Monday, November 3, 2008

Top 20 Reasons to Vote Tomorrow

20. Like it or not, there are a lot of individuals who will do whatever Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh tells them to do.

19. "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." -- Abraham Lincoln

18. Watch the documentaries "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections", "Hacking Democracy" and "SiCKO" for evidence as to why.

17. "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." -- John F. Kennedy

16. The stakes have never been higher in terms of moving away from a drill and burn energy policy and a lie and die military policy.

15. "It is a way responsible citizens have a voice in the conduct of their nation. It is both a responsibility and a privilege." -- Madeleine Albright

14. At the current rate, when your children are adults, the United States will owe China more money than actually exists on the planet.

13. "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote." -- George Jean Nathan.

12. There are 6.46 billion human beings who are not eligible to vote in this election but will still have to live with the results. And thanks to the 24th Amendment, you can do it for free.

11. As Emma Goldman declared, "If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal". And they did, in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Burma and other countries.

10. Twenty percent of registered voters who did not vote in 2004 claimed that they were "too busy" to do so.

9. "There have been many times in recorded history when one vote turned the tide. When women’s right to vote was ratified throughout America, the last state to ratify it was Tennessee. The vote came down to a tie on two successive votes. On the third try, one state representative changed his mind and decided to vote for it. That one single person’s vote gave Tennessee the final ratification to allow women to vote in America." -- Ben Nighthorse Campbell

8. In Australia, voting is mandatory. Despite major suppression and violence (and an almost complete boycott by the Sunnis), Iraq still had a higher percentage of voters than we did in 2004. And Malta turned out ninety-three percent of voters in the country’s most recent election, which was actually a down year.

7. In a recent poll, twenty percent of students at New York University stated that they would give up their right to vote in 2008 for an iPod touch. Seriously?!? A f-----g iPod touch?

6. Your father, grandfather or great grandfather was either wounded or killed in the defense of our country. Vote for his memory and for all of those individuals like him.

5. "To vote is human." -- Milton Glaser

4. "The idea of an election is much more interesting to me that then election itself. The act of voting is in itself the defining moment." – Jeff Melvoin

3. A vote is an opportunity to tell the truth. As George Orwell wrote, "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act".

2. "Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good. 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. Barack Obama and Joe Biden.


DavidEarnhardt said...

This is David Earnhardt, filmmaker of "Uncounted." Thanks for the mention of our film. If your readers want to see free clips of our film, go to and type in "uncounted" in the search engine. You can also purchase a DVD of our film at

Thanks for your support - and please, everybody VOTE today.

DavidEarnhardt said...

This is David Earnhardt, filmmaker of "Uncounted." Thanks for the mention of our film. If your readers want to see free clips of our film, go to and type in "uncounted" in the search engine. You can also purchase a DVD of our film at

Thanks for your support - and please, everybody VOTE today.

Unknown said...

This is David Earnhardt, filmmaker for "Uncounted." If your readers would like to view some free clips from our film, then we have a bunch of them uploaded at Just type in 'uncounted" in the search engine at YouTube. You can also purchase a DVD of our film at

Thanks for your support - and everybody PLEASE VOTE TODAY.