Wednesday, November 19, 2008

She Made Me So Proud

Since the election was more than two weeks ago, I am completely aware of the fact that this information is slightly out of date. However, just after Barack Obama was thankfully elected President of the United States, my family and I left for Disney World so I did not get the opportunity to post this. With that being said, my wife created the following list in response to comments from a misinformed Republican.

Valid Reasons to Vote for McCain/Palin:
1. You feel that women currently have too many rights.
2. You aren't really sure what the Constitution is.
3. You are afraid that someday your children might want an affordable college education.
4. You hate it when companies create jobs in the United States instead of shipping them to other countries. (Young Asian children really do make the best running shoes.)
5. Having the same grade point average as the President makes you feel special.
6. You feel that having the rest of the world hate you is a plus for U.S. foreign policy.
7. If Bill O'Reilly says it or you hear it on Fox Noise...I mean, Fox News...then it must be true.
8. You feel that, when the Bible says "Love thy neighbor", it only applies to people who are exactly like you. Everyone else doesn't count.
9. You think you are not middle class even thought you work at a desk job. (And aren't the one signing the paychecks.)
10. Black people totally freak you out unless you are watching MTV or they are checking you out at Target.
11. The last eight years have been great!

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