Sunday, December 10, 2006

Idiotic Act of the Day

On Friday, outgoing Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) introduced a bill to impeach Mr. Bush.

When I started this blog, I definitely did not think that I would be calling out a Democrat in only my second posting but I could not pass up this opportunity. Although I agree with the principle of the actual bill, McKinney is not the individual who should introduce this type of legislation. Aside from numerous inflammatory statements during her tenure in Congress, McKinney is most infamously known for her assault of a U.S. Capitol police officer earlier this year. Not only that, if McKinney truly valued her role as a legislator, then she should not have missed a grand total of 127 votes during 2006. The votes missed included legislation on gay marriage, stem cell research, Internet predators and an investigation on former Congressman Mark Foley's behavior.

1 comment:

Jodin said...

Impeach for Peace has created holiday impeachment cards that allow your friends and family to initiate the impeachment process. Deck the halls of congress with colorful impeachment petitions! Now that Representative McKinney has introduced Articles of Impeachment to Congress, it's time for us to show the other Members of Congress our support. So, Impeach for Peace created the Holiday Impeachment image, and researched a company that will allow you to send jumbo sized postcards along with a personalized message using your web browser. To learn more about this method of inititiating impeachment, go to:

Soon, Santa will be delivering sacks and sacks of mail to Nancy Pelosi initiating impeachment via the House of Representative's own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R. 635). What better gift to give this holiday season than the restoration of our democracy? Truly the gift that keeps on giving. Over this past year, Bush has become an even greater threat to our Constitution. Lucky for us, the rules of the US House of Representatives allow for individual citizens like you and I to initiate the impeachment process directly! This process was successfully used to impeach in the past.

Be a part of history and have a merry impeachment this season!