Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fo Shizzle!

Ten days after President Obama's historical election in November 2008, Michael Steele, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), participated in a conference call with various conservative bloggers. During that call, Steele stated that conservatives should not soften their attacks "just because the President of the United States is a black man". Steele continued to comment on this specific topic by claiming that "the Obama campaign played the race card in reverse beautifully". Steele would launch his campaign for the position of RNC Chairman just ten days later.

Despite his opinions above, Steele sang a different tune regarding race during his interview with George Stephanopoulos on Monday's edition of "Good Morning America". When asked if he felt that he, as an African American, has "a slimmer margin for error than another Chairman would", Steele replied: "The honest answer is yes...Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. We, a lot of folks do. It's a different role for, you know, for me to play and others to play. And that's just the reality of it."

And Steele thinks that President Obama has "played the race card"? Let's take a look at some other incidents involving Steele since he became Chairman of the RNC:

As you can see, Steele has never been afraid to play the race card. However, when he does so, it is in a manner that is extremely offensive and degrading to other African Americans. Or in Steele's words, he is just plain trippin'.

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