Sunday, January 14, 2007

Moronic Response of the Week, Part I

In an interview on tonight's episode of "60 Minutes", correspondent Scott Pelley questioned Mr. Bush on numerous issues regarding the Iraq War, including the lack of truth from this administration:

PELLEY: You know better than I do that many Americans feel that your administration has not been straight with the country, has not been honest. To those people you say what?
BUSH: On what issue?
PELLEY: Well, sir . . .
BUSH: Like the weapons of mass destruction?
PELLEY: No weapons of mass destruction.
BUSH: Yeah.
PELLEY: No credible connection between 9/11 and Iraq.
BUSH: Yeah.
PELLEY: The Office of Management and Budget said this war would cost somewhere between $50 billion and $60 billion and now we're over $400.
BUSH: I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha.

Not only did Mr. Bush provide the first and most obvious lie perpetrated by his administration, he then continues to answer matter-of-factly with Pelley's other examples. Although I certainly could provide evidence to back up those examples, this is obviously an instance where Mr. Bush's nonchalant attitude is enough. (By the way, I am sure the families of the soldiers killed in the Middle East appreciate that attitude.)

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