Sunday, February 21, 2010

Game, Set, Match

On last Sunday's airing of "Geraldo at Large" on FOX News, the ultimate blowhard Ann Coulter provided her ludicrous commentary on the recent verbal sparring between Vice President Biden and Mr. Cheney over terrorism and both the current and former national security policy. Aside from declaring that she "would have been with Dick Cheney" on every issue concerning national security, Coulter insulted Vice President Biden by calling him a "drunken Irishman". She also remarked that having Vice President Biden respond to Mr. Cheney's statements is akin to "sending out the White House dog, saying 'We so don't respect you, we're sending in Joe Biden'".

First of all, Vice President Biden has never taken even one drink of alcohol, admitting frankly that there are "too many alcoholics in my family". Therefore, Coulter has managed in all of her infinite wisdom to label an individual who does not partake in alcohol as "drunken". But just when you think that Coulter is finished, her shrill voice unfortunately utters this gem: "How about comparing Joe Biden with Sarah Palin? She's twenty million times more qualified than he is." You can tell by the tone in her voice that she really doesn't believe what she just said. However, if, for some reason, she actually does, let's examine her comments by comparing Vice President Biden and Palin:

Current Position
Biden: Vice President of the United States
Palin: Political commentator for FOX News Channel
Score: Biden 1, Palin 0

Previous Position
Biden: United States Senator for thirty-six years (the fourteenth longest serving Senator in history)
Palin: Governor of Alaska (the least densely populated state in the country) for less than three years, resigning eighteen months before the completion of her term
Score: Biden 2, Palin 0

Biden: Bachelor's in History and Political Science from the wonderful University of Delaware and Juris Doctor from Syracuse University, College of Law
Palin: Attended Hawai'i Pacific University, North Idaho College, the University of Idaho and Matanuska-Susitna College before returning to the University of Idaho and obtaining a Bachelor's in Communications
Score: Biden 3, Palin 0

Other Previous Positions/Roles
Biden: Former Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, former Chairperson of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, former Chairperson of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, former Co-Chairperson of the Senate NATO Observer Group, former member of the New Castle County Council, former adjunct professor at the Widener University School of Law, former attorney and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Close Up Foundation
Palin: Former Chairperson of the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission; former mayor of Wasilla, AK; former President of the Alaska Conference of Mayors and a former member of the Wasilla City Council

Is there a need to continue counting at this point?

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