Monday, October 26, 2009

This Day in History

Sixty-two years ago today, the current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was born at Edgewater Medical Center in Chicago, IL to Hugh and Dorothy Rodham. Aside from her present role within the Obama administration, Clinton has also served as First Lady of the United States and as a Senator for the State of New York. Despite the fact that Republicans have continually attacked her and her family ever since former President Bill Clinton announced his plans in 1992 to run for the White House, Clinton has remained a prominent figure in politics. And I will openly admit that, even if I disagreed with Clinton's ideology (which I don't), I would be extremely proud if my two daughters looked up to Clinton as an idol and wanted to follow in her footsteps. Of course, my daughters will be raised properly and with the ability to see through the female disgraces on the right, such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Ann Coulter.

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