Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Versions of Benedict Arnold

Earlier today, two prominent Republicans decided to continue the game of dirty politics typically played by the right wing. On CNN's "State of the Union With John King", Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) claimed that President Obama's political strategy is off to "a bad beginning because it wasn't what we promised the American people, what President Obama promised the American people". And then on ABC's "This Week With George Stephanopoulos", Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) declared that "If this is going to be bipartisanship, the country's screwed. I know bipartisanship when I see it."

No one should be at all surprised that these comments were uttered by two sore losers from the presidential race: (1) McCain and (2) Graham, who served as national co-chairman for McCain's campaign and constantly wore a Cheshire cat grin while standing behind McCain at numerous campaign stops. However, you will have to forgive me when I say that their words are complete bullshit. Let's not forget that so far Obama has retained the Bush nominated Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense, selected Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL) as his Secretary of Transportation and nominated Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) for the role of Secretary of Commerce. Of course, it is important to note that, although Gregg personally contacted President Obama a few weeks ago and actually offered his name for the Commerce post, Gregg eventually withdrew himself from consideration, stating that "It just became clear to me that it would be very difficult, day in and day out, to serve in this cabinet". Well, why then did you express interest in serving on President Obama's cabinet? Have you not been watching the news for the last two years? (This whole thing seems awfully suspicious to me, with the Republicans trying to take some of the focus away from President Obama's economic stimulus bill and making him look bad in the process.)

Speaking of the stimulus bill, McCain's and Graham's comments were directed at the supposedly lack of bipartisanship with that piece of legislation, despite the fact that Obama conducted meetings with Republican governors and numerous members of Congress at both the White House and Capitol Hill. (Obviously President Obama should not be blamed for McCain, Graham and other Republicans picking and choosing when they want to participate in negotiations.) At the same time, the two grumpy old men don't bother to mention the alternative stimulus measure drafted by Republican senators without any input from Democrats. I should also point out that Senate Democrats previously removed two spending programs ($75 million for anti-smoking programs and $400 million for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases) from the stimulus bill as a "symbolic gesture" to Republicans.


Anonymous said...

"There is no such thing as a Moderate Conservative anymore...the GOP was looking for leadership and they found (Hate)radio (Rush)." - Bill Mahar on Larry King Live.

True, after losing the election to Obama who won by a major landslide the bitter fundamental hate mongers have been out in full force voicing the same fanatical accusations of labeling Obama as a Islam/Communist/Non-citizen/Voter fraud of the USA. Their garbage seems obvious, but what isn't is the underlying current of resentment and sabotage these OLD Boys seem to have over Present Elect Obama. The question is, will moderates allow the continued hijacking of the Republican party by these Fundamentally ill (Coulter/Rush/Hannity et al)oppressive quacks or give them a strong message at their offices and at the polls.

Femme Fatale et Noire said...

Must they play politics during this critical time? Obama has not been in office a month, and already the "old men of Washington" declare him "hard to work with." It was very disappointing when not one GOP House member voted for the original stimulus package. They sent a clear message to the American people.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are full of their own bs.
The GOP wants to look good even if they hurt the people of this country.
That what this is all about.
Saving their own skin.
Face it, the Republicans can't stand not being in charge.
They had to have it their way which is the self interest greed way.
The voters had enough of that.
The people said no more to the Republicans who were in power when home loans were based on greed, the economy began to fall, jobs were being lost, billions of dollars were being wasted, fraud was at a high level, the war in Iraq was started because of lies, 9/11 happened, and on and on.
The Republicans just sat there filling their own pockets.
That is the Republican way.
The voters were sick of it all.
They wanted the Republicans out of power.
The GOP was and is a scam.
Now, the Republicans want to cause problems for President Obama, the Democrats and the American people.
If the Republicans keep this garbage up, we the people will keep voting them out until there is no member of the GOP left in power.
We are taking back this country.
The Republicans have no future here.
I am,

George Vreeland Hill

Anonymous said...

The sore loser republicans of today are like that old time dinosaur looking up into the sky and seeing that big asteroid approaching. Let the extinction begin! Republicans, you have shown how much you hate the people of America. Extinct yourselves ASAP, please.

Anonymous said...

The GOP has forgotten, they are only in office at the will of the people.

If they fail to support those individuals, they will not longer be in Office.

My suggestion to anyone who did not support or add any improvements to the bill.
Or vote for it.

which by the way for a Military Man
not to support the Commander and Chief, is very UN PATRIOTIC.
and a traitor to his countrys oath.

Let their states and voters go without. Maybe then when they
see the Democratic states
making headway, they can pull their
own heads out of their backsides.

I am sick of the GOP.